I get a lot of people asking me, “Is the paleo diet hard to follow?” or “I’m pretty lazy and don’t cook much, how can I make eating paleo easy? Below are my three favorite techniques for making things super easy for us lazy folks.
1.Eat the same meals over and over again until you get the hang of it. Basically pick out 2 different breakfast’s..The egg scramble mentioned here or a green smoothie and just alternate back and forth or have whatever you feel like. And then have about 5 different lunch/dinner meals that you know how to make and are comfortable with. You probably already do this anyway, you are just replacing your meals with healthier choices
Your five different lunch/dinner meals could be
- Bratwurst/Sausages and golden potato’s.
- Ground Beef with Mixed veggies and tahini Sauce
- Salad with roasted chicken
- Salad with Salmon
- Juicy steak with a sweet potato
2. Put Potato’s in the microwave. Simply wash off potato, then pierce by stabbing it with a fork to let out heat while in microwave, and then put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes
3. Make food in bunches for the whole week. That means Cook a bunch of chicken/Sausages/steak/Ground beef and then just save it in the fridge for the week. That way whenever you want a meal, just pop a potato in the microwave, or make a quick salad and reheat your meat.