Here is a simple workout that I came up with while staying in a tiny one room cabin in the middle of the woods during a meditation retreat. It requires very little space, and no exercise equipment. So it’s perfect for when you are traveling, only have a few minutes to spare, or can’t get to the gym.
3 Sets of:
10 reps of one-legged squats, each leg.
40 push-ups.
One minute rest in between sets.
Easier Version
3 Sets of:
25 squats
25 push-ups
One minute rest in between sets.
Female Version
3 Sets of:
15 squats
15 knee push-ups
One minute rest in between sets.
Ken says you are forgetting about dips. I do not think I can do 40 push ups 3times in4 minutes. I do not know many people who can ! LOL. Seriously that is 120 push-ups over a 10 minute period. Ken cannot do that either. I guess I would modify if I decide I need to work out in my hotel room.
Good point Judy, I’ve added modified versions.