Video Breakdown:
0:05- Rikita: “My heart is pounding, my body is tense”. This is how people in modern day describe things like speaking in public and watching horror films. Not taking food from 15 wild lions! Rikita is 65 years old by the way. Not in bad shape for a senior citizen eh?
0:35- “They make their move. Self confidence is everything.” I tell myself the same thing while walking pass large dogs.
0:55 – Holy Sh!t, I can’t believe this is working. Who was the first person that ever tried this? Seriously, how hungry must they have been? And did it work the very first time? Or did it have to be perfected? Were there a few human sacrifices before people figured out how to do it right?
1:23- Faster! C’mon man, the lions are coming back!
1:35- Like a boss.
2:25- “Some people don’t fight lions, they are cowards”.
Woah. Really? That’s the bar for cowardice? Fighting lions with nothing more than a spear? I might think someone is a coward if they are afraid bugs. That’s my bar for cowardice.
“Look at that bug, it’s tiny, just step on it. What are you so afraid of?”
“Looks it’s just 15 man-eating starving lions. Go up and steal the food they just killed. Quit being a sissy.”
Totally different realities.
2:44- That Wildebeest looks delicious. I bet food has never tasted so good. There’s got to be something said about having food hanging over a fire in a cave. It’s so primal. Food automatically tastes 50% when cooked in such a state.